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Charterstone, where have you been all my life?

So I finally took the plunge and bought myself a copy of Charterstone. I don't have much experience of worker placement games so I was apprehensive at first. Added to that, there were only two of us playing and I had heard that it was good with a group. I have to say that it was a fantastic experience. The rules are fairly straightforward (there are also some great step by step videos on YouTube if you want to dive straight in) and for those of you who are looking for solo games this can be played alone. Even better, you can add or drop players at any stage so the game will adapt with you. The cherry on the cake for me was that you can also buy the recharge pack and play again using the other side of the board! Finally as a legacy game you expect that once you have played your twelve games that you can't play again but think again, once you finish Charterstone you have created your own worker placement game and can play as much as you like using your finished board! The components are first class and it really has that 'labour of love' feel about it. I have to say that my love for legacy games is just increasing all the time and Charterstone has earned its place as a firm favourite on my gaming shelf.

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